Alfalfa Height Monitoring Report - May 2, 2017
Kitty O'Neil, Team Leader, Field Crops & Soils Specialist
North Country Regional Ag Team
May 5, 2017
We are seeing differences among monitored fields. Check your fields! It is important to get out and measure alfalfa heights in your own fields to help judge rate of growth and maturity for best timing of 1st cutting.
Alfalfa and grass have both grown quickly over the past couple of weeks, but growth is likely to slow down during the coming week due to low forecasted temperatures. First week of May heights are taller in the Jefferson-Lewis fields and shorter in the northern counties. Heights averaged 6.2" across all 6 counties this week in 2016, while they average 9" this year. Many fields had standing water this week from heavy rains from April 30 to May 2.
Monitor winter cereals closely for optimal harvest at about the boot stage.
More information, by county, is available in the 2017 North Country 1st Cutting Alfalfa Quality Monitor report below.
2017 North Country 1st Cutting Alfalfa Quality Monitor, 5/2/17 (pdf; 139KB)
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