Alfalfa Height Monitoring Report - May 9, 2017
Kitty O'Neil, Team Leader, Field Crops & Soils Specialist
North Country Regional Ag Team
May 10, 2017
The May 9th Alfalfa Height Report is attached. Alfalfa and grass have both grown slowly this week, due to cool temps and cloudy skies. Alfalfa heights are still ahead of where they were this week in 2016, however. Many fields again had standing water this week from heavy rains from May 2 to 9. Once fields are past their prime (grasses first) send them to the bottom of the mowing order. Prioritize fields where quality is still high, then go back to the rest. Consider storing lower quality 1st cut separately, to optimize its use with non-lactating animals.
With this wet weather delay, consider skipping new hay seedings this spring to move directly on to corn planting. Hay fields can still be seeded in late summer, but corn has to be planted ASAP.
Monitor winter cereals closely - they may head quickly when we get some warmer, drier weather, making optimal harvest even more difficult.
(pdf; 126KB)
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