Alfalfa Height Monitoring Report - May 23, 2017
Kitty O'Neil, Team Leader, Field Crops & Soils Specialist
North Country Regional Ag Team
May 24, 2017
The May 23 Alfalfa Height Report shows that some alfalfa-grass fields are ready for mowing now. About half of the fields with 50% grass or more were at or beyond ideal NDF according to the graph above (above the line). They should be mowed ASAP for best quality. Again, once fields are past their prime send them to the bottom of the mowing order and prioritize fields where quality is still high. Go back to the declining fields later, as time permits.
The forecast for the next week most of the North Country is not good for attempting to make dry hay. It may well be too wet for haylage and balage too, in many areas.
(pdf; 147KB)
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