Events - month view
earlier monthsMarch 2017
Milk Quality: Make it Pay!
March 2, 2017
9:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Warsaw, NY
Concurrent classes taught for decision makers & key milking staff.
North Country Grazing Schools are Back!!
March 3 - March 9, 2017
CAFO Roadshow
March 3, 2017
1:00 - 3:30 p.m.
Varysburg, NY
New York Farm Bureau and the Northeast Dairy Producers Association will host a CAFO Roadshow in cooperation with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Department of Agriculture and Markets and Cornell PRO-DAIRY.
This series of four seminars across the state will highlight the changes in the recently released CAFO permits and help producers understand how to prepare for compliance and decide which permit is right for their farm. All farms must be covered by the new permit by July 24, 2017.
All CAFO-permitted farms are recommended to attend one of the informational sessions where you will have the opportunity to both learn about changes and ask questions directly to the people who developed the permit. Farms of all sizes, particularly those who may be seeking coverage under the permits in the near future, are also encouraged to attend.
This series of four seminars across the state will highlight the changes in the recently released CAFO permits and help producers understand how to prepare for compliance and decide which permit is right for their farm. All farms must be covered by the new permit by July 24, 2017.
All CAFO-permitted farms are recommended to attend one of the informational sessions where you will have the opportunity to both learn about changes and ask questions directly to the people who developed the permit. Farms of all sizes, particularly those who may be seeking coverage under the permits in the near future, are also encouraged to attend.
Winter Dairy Management: Don't Be Lame!
March 7, 2017
10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Warsaw, NY
The Winter Dairy Management 2017 program will focus on keeping cows on their feet and free from lameness. The program will address preventing hoof problems, how and why to identify lameness issues as quickly as possible and humane considerations for culling, moving and transporting cattle.
Spring Safety Meeting
March 7 - February 7, 2017
Registration 9:30am - Program 10am-3pm
Cortland, NY
Dairy Support Services Presents:
Manure & Trucking Safety Meeting
Tuesday, March 7, 2017 - 9:30am Registration 10:00am-3:00pm Program
NYS Grange, 1 Grange Place, Cortland, NY
This meeting is targeted to both experienced and new farm workers who are spreading manure and operating trucks and equipment in field and on highways.
Topics and Speakers:
- Update on New CAFO Permit - Karl Czymmek, PRO-DAIRY and Scott Cook and Matt Kazmierski, NYS DEC
- Manure Spills and Neighbor Relations - Mark Burger, Director, Onondaga County Soil SWCD
- Manure Gas Issues: Gypsum and Hydrogen Sulfate - Tom Eskildsen, Yates County SWCD and James Carrabba, NYCAMH
- Trucking and Highway Safety & Regulatory Issues - Sgt. Robert Kidder, Troop C, NYS Police Commercial Vehicle Unit and David Orr, Cornell Local Roads Program
In addition to the featured speakers, Extension personnel, Soil and Water personnel and Certified Nutrient Planners will be there to answer any questions.
Registration is $10 which includes lunch. To register contact Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2662 or email Payment via cash or check can be made the day of the event.
Farm Transfer and Estate Planning
March 8, 2017
10am - 3pm
Malone, NY
This program will be an update and current information on farm transfer and estate planning.
Click here to register...
Click here to register...
Winter Dairy Management - Don't Be Lame!!
March 8, 2017
Registration 9:30am, Program 10am-3pm
Binghamton, NY
Topics to include:
Identifying lameness, especially at its earliest stages
Economic impact of lameness
Facilities impact on lameness
Management factors that impact lameness
FSA Borrower Credit available
Let's Write Your Agricultural Business Plan
March 8 - April 4, 2017
Tuesday Evenings 5:30-7:30pm
Binghamton, NY
Let's Write Your Agricultural Business Plan
Tuesday evenings, March 8th through April 4th
840 Upper Front St, Binghamton, NY 13905
During this five part series hosted by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Broome County and led by Laura Biasillo, Agricultural Economic Development Specialist, participants will work through the various sections of a business plan for their agricultural venture. This is applicable whether you are considering a food-based business, growing fruits or vegetables, raising livestock or starting an agri-tourism based operation. Using a set of templates created by the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture as well as the NYS Small Business Development Center, sample worksheets will lend a practical perspective and illustrate how real farm families set goals, research processing alternatives, determine potential markets, and evaluated financing options. Blank worksheets will help participants to develop a detailed, lender-ready business plan or map out strategies to take advantage of new opportunities.
Pre-registration is required. Visit the registration page to complete your registration:
840 Upper Front St, Binghamton, NY 13905
During this five part series hosted by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Broome County and led by Laura Biasillo, Agricultural Economic Development Specialist, participants will work through the various sections of a business plan for their agricultural venture. This is applicable whether you are considering a food-based business, growing fruits or vegetables, raising livestock or starting an agri-tourism based operation. Using a set of templates created by the Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture as well as the NYS Small Business Development Center, sample worksheets will lend a practical perspective and illustrate how real farm families set goals, research processing alternatives, determine potential markets, and evaluated financing options. Blank worksheets will help participants to develop a detailed, lender-ready business plan or map out strategies to take advantage of new opportunities.
Pre-registration is required. Visit the registration page to complete your registration:
Farm Transfer and Estate Planning
March 9, 2017
10am - 3pm
Watertown, NY
This program will be an update and current information on farm transfer and estate planning.
Click here to register...
Click here to register...
Pesticide Applictor Pre-Exam Training & Test
March 14 - March 15, 2017
7:30 am Registration, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm, Class
Newark, NY
Agriculture Specialists Mike Stanyard & Tess Grasswitz will review core concepts and commodity specific items in prepartaton for exam.
Pesticide Applicator Training
March 14, 2017
Registration 12:00pm - Class 12:30-3:30pm
Drydeny, NY
The South Central NY Dairy & Field Crops Team is offering a Pesticide Applicator Training on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at the Dryden Fire Hall, 26 North Street, Dryden, NY with registration beginning at 12:00pm and the class from 12:30-3:30pm. Exam date TBA.
Core and category manuals are available at an additional cost and MUST be ordered by March 10, 2017 to ensure that they arrive prior to the class date. Manuals needed: Core Manual and Category 21 (Field and Forage). Order Manuals online at or contact Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2662 or email For questions contact Janice Degni, Area Field Crops Specialist at 607.391.2672 or email
This training covers the law governing pesticide use and licensing, a basic introduction to safe pesticide handling and use, as well as test preparation. The training will also provide information regarding pesticide laws and regulations, how to read the pesticide label, guidelines for proper handling of pesticides and protecting the pesticide handler as well as impacts on the environment and integrated pest management.
3 DEC re-certification credits available.
Core and category manuals are available at an additional cost and MUST be ordered by March 10, 2017 to ensure that they arrive prior to the class date. Manuals needed: Core Manual and Category 21 (Field and Forage). Order Manuals online at or contact Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2662 or email For questions contact Janice Degni, Area Field Crops Specialist at 607.391.2672 or email
SCNY Dairy Manager Discussion Group
March 15 - February 15, 2017
Lunch at 12:00pm, Discussion 1-3pm
Cortland, NY
Trends in Dairy Today: Wage Impacts and Land Prices
Speaker: Dr Jennifer Ifft, Assistant Professor of Agribusiness and Farm Management, Cornell University
Dr Ifft will talk about:
- Trends in Wages: minimum wage implications to salaried positions, and wage compression to wage payroll shifting up
- Trends in Farmland Values: determinants, impacts of CAFO regulations, recent sales data, discussion on land rental values
Cost is $10 per person to cover cost of hot lunch, payment can be made online or at the door
RSVP is requested to get adequate head count for food
Contact Jen Atkinson 607.391.2662 or
Questions to Betsy Hicks 607.391.2673 or
RSVP is requested to get adequate head count for food
Contact Jen Atkinson 607.391.2662 or
Questions to Betsy Hicks 607.391.2673 or
Tioga County Dairy Small Group Learning Workshops - Focus on Nutrition: Dairy Basics for Farmers
March 16, 2017
Owego, NY
Tioga County Dairy Small Group Learning Workshop - FOCUS ON NUTRITION: DAIRY BASICS FOR FARMERS
Thursday, March 16th, 2017 - 12:30-3pm, CCE Tioga
- SCNY D&FC Team's Betsy Hicks will be leading discussion on basic nutrition dairy men and women need to know. Bring your own forage samples and diet summaries to under-stand more about how your specific farm's feed looks.
- Cost $10/per person
- Light snacks and drinks will be served
- Please pre-register for planning purposes
- Register online or by contacting Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2662 or email
- Questions? Call Betsy Hicks at 607.391.2673
Sprayer & Pesticide Application Clinic
March 16, 2017
Registration 10:00am - Class 10:30am-2:30pm
Dryden, NY
Topics & Speakers
- Review of Crop Season 2016 - Janice Degni, Extension Field Crops Specialist, SCNY Dairy & Field Crops Team
- The Label - Mike Helms, Extension Support Specialist, Pesticide Management Education Program, Cornell University
- Herbicide Modes of Action & Factors that Influence Performance - Janice Degni
- Nozzles: Selection, Operation & Controlling Drift - Mike Helms
- Panel Presentation with Commercial Applicators - Warren VanPelt & Kevin Frisbie
***3 DEC Re-Certification Credits Available***
Cost of the workshop is $25/per person which includes lunch. Register online or contact Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2662 or email For questions contact Janice Degni at 607.391.2672 or email
200-600 BMAT Discussion Group
March 20 - March 21, 2017
Watertown, NY
Cow Comfort Conference
March 20 - March 21, 2017
Liverpool, NY
Along with help from partners and sponsors, the Cornell Cooperative Extension Northern NY Regional Ag Program has organized the 2017 Cow Comfort Conference - "Working with what you have and looking towards the future". The focus of the conference will be on the importance of maximizing cow comfort through facility design.
Cow Comfort Conference - Working with what you have and looking towards the future
March 20 - March 21, 2017
Liverpool, NY
Cow Comfort Conference - Working with what you have and looking towards the future
March 20 - March 21, 2017
Liverpool, NY
SCNY Dairy Manager Discussion Group
March 22 - February 22, 2017
Lunch at 12:00pm, Discussion 1-3pm
Cortland, NY
Trends in Dairy Today: Wage Impacts and Land Prices
Speaker: Dr Jennifer Ifft, Assistant Professor of Agribusiness and Farm Management, Cornell University
Dr Ifft will talk about:
- Trends in Wages: minimum wage implications to salaried positions, and wage compression to wage payroll shifting up
- Trends in Farmland Values: determinants, impacts of CAFO regulations, recent sales data, discussion on land rental values
Cost is $10 per person to cover cost of hot lunch, payment can be made online or at the door
RSVP is requested to get adequate head count for food
Contact Jen Atkinson 607.391.2662 or
Questions to Betsy Hicks 607.391.2673 or
RSVP is requested to get adequate head count for food
Contact Jen Atkinson 607.391.2662 or
Questions to Betsy Hicks 607.391.2673 or
2017 Dairy Day
March 28, 2017
Cooperstown, NY
Date Change: 2017 Dairy Day rescheduled for March 28, 2017
VFD Regulations - What Does It Mean for Livestock Owners & Beekeepers
March 28, 2017
6:00pm - 8:00 pm
Warsaw, NY
If you want to learn more about the VFD, Veterinarian Feed Directive, and how it might affect you and home treatments of your livestock, plan to attend this information session.
Pesticide Applicator Training
March 28, 2017
Registration 12:00pm - Class 12:30-3:30pm
Drydeny, NY
The South Central NY Dairy & Field Crops Team is offering a Pesticide Applicator Training on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at the Dryden Fire Hall, 26 North Street, Dryden, NY with registration beginning at 12:00pm and the class from 12:30-3:30pm. Exam date TBA.
Core and category manuals are available at an additional cost and MUST be ordered by March 24, 2017 to ensure that they arrive prior to the class date. Manuals needed: Core Manual and Category 21 (Field and Forage). Order Manuals online at or contact Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2662 or email For questions contact Janice Degni, Area Field Crops Specialist at 607.391.2672 or email
This training covers the law governing pesticide use and licensing, a basic introduction to safe pesticide handling and use, as well as test preparation. The training will also provide information regarding pesticide laws and regulations, how to read the pesticide label, guidelines for proper handling of pesticides and protecting the pesticide handler as well as impacts on the environment and integrated pest management.
3 DEC re-certification credits available.
Core and category manuals are available at an additional cost and MUST be ordered by March 24, 2017 to ensure that they arrive prior to the class date. Manuals needed: Core Manual and Category 21 (Field and Forage). Order Manuals online at or contact Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2662 or email For questions contact Janice Degni, Area Field Crops Specialist at 607.391.2672 or email
NYS Livestock Summit - Montour Falls Location
March 30, 2017
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Montour Falls, NY
Calling experienced livestock producers: We know you face tremendous challenges to grow your business. What are the undeveloped opportunities and how can we collectively address them?
NYS Livestock Summit - Warsaw Location
March 30, 2017
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Warsaw, NY
Calling experienced livestock producers: We know you face tremendous challenges to grow your business. What are the undeveloped opportunities and how can we collectively address them?
Getting Started in Agritourism Workshop, Creating a Destination Farm
March 30, 2017
8:30 am - 3:00 pm
Rochester, NY
Cornell Extensions of Monroe and Tompkins County proudly invites farmers, food entrepreneurs, horse-farm owners, and other Agribusiness operators to attend the Agritourism workshop.
April 2017
Tioga County Dairy Small Group Learning Workshops - Focus on Farm Ownership
April 4, 2017
Owego, NY
Tuesday, April 4, 2017 - 12:30-3pm, CCE Tioga
- Pro-Dairy's Anna Richards will be leading discussion around the important documents you need to have and use as a farm business owner. These include operating agreements, lease agreements, buy/sell agreements, wills, LLC's & more!
- Cost $10/per person
- Light snacks and drinks will be served
- Please pre-register for planning purposes
- Register online or by contacting Jen Atkinson at 607.391.2662 or email
- Questions? Call Betsy Hicks at 607.391.2673
Q & A with FDA and others on VFD
April 5, 2017
3:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Canandaigua, NY
Here is your chance to ask the FDA and other major stakeholders about VFD.
Sheep and Goat Week
April 5, 2017
Canton, NY
Cattle Artificial Insemination Training
April 7 - April 8, 2017
10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Shortsville, NY
NOTICE: For registration please call: Cathy Wallace at 585-343-3040 x138
Dairy Girl Network CNY Peer Group Meeting - Grants
April 13, 2017
1-3 pm
Cortland, NY
The topic for our meeting will be "Getting Grant Money to Help you Farm!". Erin Madden of FSA in Cortland/Tompkins County and Suzette Kocher with NRCS in Cortland County will be there to discuss what programs are available through their offices. Sarah Ficken and Tina Jacobs will cover what grants they have been able to receive as producers and give their experience.
Since we are still in the infancy of building our group, all "dairy girls" - Women who are involved in any aspect of dairy - are welcome to come! Feel free to bring a dairy girl-friend to the meeting. If you need to bring little ones, it's perfectly ok!
Since we are still in the infancy of building our group, all "dairy girls" - Women who are involved in any aspect of dairy - are welcome to come! Feel free to bring a dairy girl-friend to the meeting. If you need to bring little ones, it's perfectly ok!
RSVP to:
-Betsy Hicks - 607.391.2673 or email
-Sarah Ficken -
Please follow our team's facebook page - where we post the events related to local Dairy Girl Network meetings!
Sheep and Goat Week
April 19, 2017
Glenfield, NY
Sheep and Goat Week
April 19, 2017
Lowville, NY
May 2017
Artisan Cheeses of Western New York
May 17, 2017
6:30pm - 9:00pm
East Aurora, NY
Western New York is producing some of the most interesting and most thoughtfully created artisan cheeses in the state. Cornell Cooperative Extension Dairy Processing Specialist (and Harvest NY team member) Carl Moody will give an overview of the cheese making process and share what artisan cheesemakers are doing in the region as well as samples of some of their best work.
Successful Reproductive Management Forum - Ontario Location
May 19, 2017
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Canandaigua, NY
A few of the leading reproductive herds in the Northeast will share how they achieve outstanding reproductive reslults through a roundtable discussion. Key takeaways will include how adherence to protocols and overall consistency lead to reproductive success.
Successful Reproductive Management Forum - Wyoming Location
May 20, 2017
7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Warsaw, NY
A few of the leading reproductive herds in the Northeast will share how they achieve outstanding reproductive reslults through a roundtable discussion. Key takeaways will include how adherence to protocols and overall consistency lead to reproductive success.
No announcements at this time.