
USDA AG Census
FARM Program Continuing Education Spanish_Sept 2022
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Footbath Sept 2022
Retrofit Facilities Sept 2022
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Manejo Apropiado de Animales No Ambulatorios
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Lying time and behavior for dairy cows: an update from Dr. Cassandra Tucker (UC
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
What is the Net Zero Initiative for US Dairy?
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Focus on Farm Management: Stepping up Calf Protocols Case Study
Do you ever feel like your calf health is "pretty good" but you feel like you're treating more calves than you should? Or always fighting a virus or scours bug at a certain age in your calf group? A step back to look at calf protocols might be a worthwhile exercise.
"Transition Cow Tuesdays" and "Healthy, Hardy, Heifers!" Webinar Recording Links
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
5 Tips for a successful Dry Period
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
By Casey Havekes Regional Dairy Management Specialist, CCE NCRAT & Sydney Moore, BSc., MSc., PhD Student University of British Columbia
**This article originally appeared in Progressive Dairy Canada, Issue 1: January 2022**
The dry period is essential for dairy cows, to allow for regeneration of milk secreting tissue and prepare the udder for optimal success in the next lactation. This period can also be very stressful on the animal due to social, physiological, and nutritional changes making it increasingly important to pay close attention during this time.
Milking Procedure Review
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Colostrum Supp vs Colostrum Replacer
FARM Workforce Development and Environmental Stewardship Dec 2021
What variation in milk protein among herds is telling us
Brr, it's cold in here!
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Back to Basics: Calf Barn Ventilation
Beat the Heat!
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Benchmarking calf growth and performance on northern New York dairy herds
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
CCQA Publishes Animal Care Reference Manual
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
FARM Animal Care Program Version 4.0 Update
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Antibiotic Usage Pathways Georgakakkos and Hicks April 2021
NNYADP Research Results Highlight an Opportunity for Improved Antibiotic Steward
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
10 Simple but Effective New Year's Resolutions to Improve your Dairy
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
It's always the Nutritionist's fault!
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
National Dairy FARM Program Update - September 2020
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Perfecting the Dry Cow Diet: Part 2
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Hay or Ney
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Back to Basics: Herd Management Lessons from COVID-19
Proper Euthanasia Practices
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Vitamin and Mineral Focus: Sodium
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Core Principals of Pre-Weaned Calf Care: Colostrum and Calories
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Fitness For Transport
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Guidance for Animal Care Operations
Kelsey O'Shea, Agriculture Business Development
North Country Regional Ag Team
Vitamin and Mineral Focus: Potassium
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Helping you Meet the FARM Program Continuing Education Requirements
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team

Stockmanship Training with Curt Pate: It's All about Pressure
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team

Vitamin and Mineral Focus: Magnesium
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Update - Regional Ag Team Operations during COVID-19
How to Manange COVID-19 Risks on Dairy Farms
Dairy Farming Abroad!
Kelsey O'Shea, Agriculture Business Development
North Country Regional Ag Team
Determining the prevalence of Salmonella Dublin and its potential economic impac
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Meeting the Continuing Education Requirements of FARM Program Version 4.0 2020
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Vitamin and Mineral Focus - Phosphorous
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Factsheet 2019 Dairy Risk Management
Kelsey O'Shea, Agriculture Business Development
North Country Regional Ag Team
Perfecting the Dry Cow Diet: Part 1
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Record Keeping 101
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Transitioning Our Thinking on Immunity and Health
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Vitamin and Mineral Focus
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Vitamin and Mineral Focus- Calcium
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Help Your Calves Beat the Winter Blues
Casey Havekes, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
National Dairy FARM Program Version 4.0 Updates
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Improved Cow Comfort Linked to Productivity and Profitabilty
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team

PRODAIRY e-Alert Bunker and Silo Safety
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team

Apps in Ag
Benefits to Socially Housing Calves
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
USDA Announces New Decision Tool for New Dairy Margin Coverage Program
Calf health treatment protocols, compliance and economic impact: Northern New Yo
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Is Safety a Priority on your Farm?
Antimicrobial Resisitance, Treatment Protocols and Prudent antimicrobial usage..
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
The Dairy Industry nees to change to stay relevant to consumers
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Winter Ventilation
You can Never be too prepared for an Emergency
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Key Points to Remener when Composting Livestock
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Mortality Disposal Guidance
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Not All Mattresses Are Equal
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
2018 Feed Dealer Seminars
Tatum Langworthy, Sr. Administrative Assistant
North Country Regional Ag Team
The Law of Diminishing Returns - How do we know when we've reached it?
2018: Bunker Silo Safety Reminder from OSHA
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
AG Plastics Recycling
Ron Kuck, Livestock Specialist
North Country Regional Ag Team
Pro-Dairy Waste Tire Update
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
New Dairy Margin Protection Plan worth considering for 2018
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Check Out What Dairy Checkoff is Doing For You
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Bulk Tank SCC - It's one cow or my whole herd
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team

Residential Agricultural Discount Application
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Do's and Don'ts March 2018
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Fireside Chat
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Cowlicks: An Indicator of Attitude
Dairy Markets and Policy
Dairy Farming: It's a Passion but it's hard.
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Calves still need water & other cold weather recommendations.
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Dairyland Initiative Training on Youngstock Housing and Ventilation
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Cow Comfort Proceedings
Shining a Light on Better Udder Prep
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Factors Associated with Lameness and Injury in Tiestalls
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Colostrum and Calf Productivity in our Cow/Calf Operations
Ron Kuck, Livestock Specialist
North Country Regional Ag Team

In the dairy world monitoring newborn calves for Ig (immunoglobulins or antibodies) absorption from colostrum is very common. Calves that do not receive adequate levels of Ig from colostrum can experience increased sickness and mortality. It has also been researched that Ig absorption from colostrum is crucial to being a healthier adult with enhanced feed efficiency and milk production. It is reasonable to assume the same holds true for beef cattle.
Economic Impact of Stall Stocking Density
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team

At the Cow Comfort Conference, hosted by your North Country Regional Ag Team, in Syracuse this March 2017, Dr. Albert De Vries, University of Florida, spoke on the economics of cow comfort. While overstocking can improve economic returns on investments in facilities, it can have negative impacts on the cow, so how much can you overstock before you reduce your profitability? The optimal stocking density will vary from farm to farm, and within farm under different circumstances. Dr. De Vries highlighted some key things to consider to get a better idea of what overcrowding might be costing you.
Pasteurizers - What Should I be Considering?
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Pasteurizers provide an option for producers to feed whole milk to their calves, while reducing the risk of pathogen transfer from milk to calf. The ability to feed whole milk or waste milk, while reducing the risk of pathogen exposure sounds like a great idea, HOWEVER, there are some things to consider before going out and writing a check for that nice, new, shiny machine.
Understadning Dairy Cow Lying Behavior
Lindsay Ferlito, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Almost all dairy producers agree that a cow that gets more rest (spends more time lying down) will be healthier and produce more milk.
The Cold Weather is Coming - Don't Wait Until the Last Minute to Prepare
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team

Many producers are still dealing with the implications of a hot and dry summer. The long-term impacts of heat stress are still being felt on many dairy operations, calves born in September and October were weaker and needed extra attention, reduced reproduction efficiency through August and September are still wreaking havoc on some herds and the reduced milk production and somatic cell challenges increased the economic challenges faced by many producers. On top of heat stress, many producers are dealing with the impacts of drought leading to reduced feed inventories and water challenges as we move into the winter months. As we move closer to winter and another type of extreme weather, it's worth taking some time to prepare.
VCPR Fact SHeet
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Cold Weather Teat Dips
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Heat Stress
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Heat Stress 3
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Heat Stress Calves
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team

Precision Dairy Farming
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Repro Efficiency
Kim Morrill, Dairy Management
North Country Regional Ag Team
Is Your Farm Prepared For a Crisis? Part 1
Libby Eiholzer, Bilingual Dairy
Northwest New York Dairy, Livestock & Field Crops

Are you ready for an undercover video to be released depicting animal abuse on your dairy farm? Who could be ready for that?
Can value be added to Holstein bull calves?

With favorable market conditions, it can be profitable raising dairy beef.
No announcements at this time.